[Rt-devel] Problem with my 3.4.0rc1 install

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Thu Dec 23 16:33:21 EST 2004

On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 01:24:38PM -0500, Dave Alden wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 12:47:39PM -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> > Who has the "OwnTicket" right for that ticket's queue?
> None of us do directly, but we all have SuperUser -- I thought that was
> enough.  I've given one of my users OwnTicket in the Global user rights
> and sure enough, now I can give him the ticket.  Are there other rights
> that I need (and what is the purpose of "SuperUser" now)?  :-)

Folks were complaining that there was no way to mask out your superusers
(like root) from owning tickets in a given queue. SuperUser has the
right to _do_ things, but a few rights, like "OwnTicket" are also used
to "find all users who can do this thing".  Does that make any sense?

> ...thnx,
> ...dave


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