[Rt-devel] RT-CRONTool Tasks

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Tue May 22 12:22:21 EDT 2007

On May 22, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Jeff Stark wrote:
> I am new to Perl and RT...so this may seem like an obvious  
> question.  I created a new script, much like the "EscalatePriority"  
> script  and I put it in the same directory, but when I try to call  
> it from RT-CronTool I get the following error:
> Failed to load module RT::Action::ResolveInReview. () at /opt/rt3/ 
> bin/rt-crontool line 206.

There should be more of an error message inside those ()s
Two things that could cause a failure, permissions or a syntax error.
Does the user rt-crontool is running as have permission to read your  
Also, I assume you've put ResolveInReview.pm into /opt/rt3/local/lib/ 
RT/Action ?


> Can someone provide a quick list of the steps needed to get a  
> script to work with the rt-crontool, I looked on the lists and  
> wiki, but wasn't able to find anything.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Stark
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