[Rt-devel] Search builder... Broken?

Matthew Watson matthew.watson at staff.netspace.net.au
Wed Jul 16 22:13:53 EDT 2008


  Just reviewing 3.8, very nice (love the new theme). One thing that  
stuck me though, is that the search builder still seems to be very  
difficult to use, and almost impossible (it seems) to do what should  
be a simple thing without going into the advanced window.

The Primary difficulty is constructing queries with variations of AND  
and OR, and nesting,

For example.. Constructing a fairly standard query like

Subject LIKE 'abc123' AND Queue = 'General' AND (  Status = 'new' OR  
Status = 'open' )

using the point/click search builder seems impossible, or at least,  
not intuitive, I can't workout how to do it.

This is the same as with the version of RT that I use (3.2.2, yes,  
old).. I was hoping this would have been been fixed by now.

Is this is a bug in the new version, or just the way query builder  
works.. or am I just doing it wrong?

Matthew Watson.

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