[Rt-devel] [Patch] remove all queue mail addresses in Attachment sub Addresses

Christian Loos cloos at netcologne.de
Tue Feb 9 03:56:31 EST 2010

Am 08.02.2010 16:36, schrieb Kevin Falcone:
> Hi Chris
> If you've set RTAddressRegexp in your config, those addresses
> shouldn't show up (see RT::EmailParser->IsRTAddress later in
> Attachment::Addresses).  
> There is some work on a branch to warn about empty regexps and build a
> naive one for you, but you're better off crafting something
> site-specific.
> Once that branch hits trunk, we'll probably remove those explicit
> queue address checks as a performance hit.
> -kevin

Hi Kevin,

if you do that, think about user like me. Our queue mail addresses have
nothing in common that I can use in RTAddressRegexp.
The only way for me is, to include every single queue mail address in
the RTAddressRegexp. So I have the mail addresses in to places, within
the database in queue table and within the RT_SiteConfig.pm.
Is that really what you want?


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