[Rt-devel] Upgrading a gigantic 3.4.4 database to 4.0?

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Wed May 4 16:53:57 EDT 2011

On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 01:35:43PM -0700, Jeff Albert wrote:
>    Now that RT 4.0 is out, I've finally been granted resources to move forward from our existing
>    RT 3.4.4 install. The challenge we've been having with that existing install is that it's huge
>    - over 17GB on disk, with on the order of 250,000 tickets in 71 active queues, and roughly a
>    hojillion attachments.

I've successfully converted larger Attachments tables, so you should be fine.

>    At this point I'm working with a new server and a clone of the 3.4.4 database, trying to get
>    through the RT 4.0 schema update steps, and the `ALTER TABLE Attachments...' query is running
>    for many hours and then dying, apparently unsuccessfully; I presume the issue is the number
>    and size of blobs to be processed.

You should be checking the mysql error logs to find out why it failed,
or running the output of upgrade-mysql-schema.pl through mysql -v to
get some more diagnostics.

Without knowing *why* it failed, it's hard to offer suggestions.

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