[rt-devel] RT 4.4.0rc1 - post-upgrade notes

Shawn Moore shawn at bestpractical.com
Fri Nov 20 14:07:17 EST 2015

On 2015年11月5日 at 12:49:09, Parish, Brent (bparish at cognex.com) wrote:
> Hi all!

Hi Brent,

> These may have nothing to do with anything, but for what it's worth:

Thanks again for your detailed feedback!

> * In the WebUI, under "Logged in as..." -> Settings -> About Me
> Triggers a warning level message in the log about replacing the deprecated /User/Prefs.html  
> with /Prefs/AboutMe.html

I’m not seeing this warning. Grepping the code for 'User/Prefs' also shows that it’s not being linked to in 4.4. I wonder if you have a local customization of /Elements/Tabs or some such?

> * Probably was something I did wrong on the initial install (upgrade from 4.2.11 to 4.4.0rc1),  
> but rt-ldapimport was in the source tree but did not end up in my RT sbin dir.
> Maybe this was because my config line has never included " --enable-externalauth" ? 

Fixed! It wasn’t your fault. :-)

> * For Apache Kerberos web authentication with Active Directory to work, I had to remove  
> the old 'patch' to lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm I was using (from http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/Kerberos_SSO_with_Active_Directory_Integration)  
> and instead go back to using Set($WebRemoteUserAuth, 1); in my RT_SiteConfig.pm file.  

Thank you. Is there anything we could do better for you here?

> * Seems like (warning: have not done extensive tests!) putting my LDAP auth settings  
> into a .pm file underneath RT_SiteConfig.d did not work, I had to be sure those were in  
> RT_SiteConfig.pm to take effect. Other settings in those arbitrary config .pm files  
> do seem to work fine.

(This is another thread on rt-devel)

> * Straight from the upgrade documentation, merely confirming/reiterating here:
> Since I did use ExternalAuthId field, I had to remove those entries from my RT_SiteConfig.pm  
> file (or RT::Record complains).
> Also, the "make upgrade-database" command bombed (as intended) because I had not FIRST  
> blanked that column in the database, e.g.
> mysql> update Users set ExternalAuthId = NULL;

Yep. I made sure make upgrade-database would refuse to drop unused columns with data in them, in case people had decided to co-opt them for their own use.

> - Brent

Thank you again Brent!

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