[rt-users] webrt and mail problems

Systems Group (Isaac) isaacsys at ee.ucr.edu
Wed May 16 19:33:19 EDT 2001

	I am having problems with rt 1.0.7 delivering mail from the web
interface when replying to a message.  The mail gets delivered to the
requestor and to the members of the queue.  In addition, it seems to parse
the address of whoever is replying wrong and tries to email to each token
of the address (space delimited).  For example the Reply-To field when
replying from the web  is "Isaac Saldana via RT <systems at ee.ucr.edu>" but
the From: field is  From: Isaac.Saldana.via.RT with no email address.  And
then I get emails  bounced to isaac,saldana,via.  This only happens when I
reply from the web interface and not from isaacsys's account using an
email client such as pine.  This is kinda weird cause in
lib/rt/support/mail.pm there is the command:
print  MAIL "Subject: [$rt::rtname \#". $in_serial_num . "] ($in_queue_id) $in_subject
Reply-To: $friendly_name <$temp_mail_alias>
From: $friendly_name <$temp_mail_alias>
To: $in_recipient
Cc: $in_cc
Bcc: $in_bcc
X-Request-ID: $in_serial_num
X-RT-Loop-Prevention: $rt::rtname
X-Sender: $in_current_user
X-Managed-By: Request Tracker $rt::rtversion (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt)
Precedence: bulk

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker\n";

which sets Reply-To: and From: to be the same.  I am using sendmail with
the default options that came with rt.  Has anyone had this problem?  I
also tried setting $mailprog="(cat ->/tmp/foo;cat /tmp/foo)|/usr/lib/sendmail"
to see what was the email being sent and the From: and Reply-To: fields
were the same and correct.  Rt was working fine and then started doing
this.  Thanks for any help.

  Isaac Saldana

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