[rt-users] Exchange MTA

Technical Support (Stephen Feather) service at lobosoft.com
Fri Nov 23 00:22:05 EST 2001


Not a stupid question at all.
RT is called from the mail daemon directly, or via command line.
Problem, RT scripts have not been ported to Win32, and I don't know off
the top of my head, any plans to do so.

It is possible to called external scripts/applications from exchange
So, in theory, were the scripts ported, it would be possible to call
them from exchange.  

We have had success in some minor testing, in having a RT/sendmail linux
box call a win32 mysql server.  Why? Cuzz it was there.

Robert Passlows suggestion is the best solution.  However, as you don't
know linux, it is most likely not the easiest for you.

That doesn't leave you with a solution other than Roberts, but does give
you some more information.

-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-admin at lists.fsck.com
[mailto:rt-users-admin at lists.fsck.com] On Behalf Of Eddy Yiu
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 9:52 PM
To: 'rt-users at lists.fsck.com'
Subject: [rt-users] Exchange MTA

I am new to RT and world of Linux....sorry if i asked stupid questions.

Currently, I am using Exchange as our primary email gateway and I wishes
to implement RT as part of our HelpDesk service.  However, I wish not
use the Linux "sendmail" or "qmail" ....... "mainly don't know how" 8-)
So, I try to figure out how to use Exchange as the MTA, ok...the
question is how??? Can someone give me a clue.....I'll be very thankful.

Eddy Yiu

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