[rt-users] Add field (for acct#)

Larry Hays, Internet Operations hays at osogrande.com
Wed Aug 21 12:13:13 EDT 2002

Hi all:

Love RT, and I've been messing with keywords, and they are great for 
adding a field with a limited, predefined set of options.  Now I find 
myself wanting to add a field that doesn't have predefined options, and 
being able to search on it.  Specifically, I'd like to add an account 
number field, as many email addresses in our universe are part of a single 
account, and it's useful to be able to relate back and forth.  

I suppose we could add every potential account number as a keyword, but
that seems less clean than even a "free text" field.  Is there a
capability I'm missing or some contributed code that might help?

Many thanks,


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