[rt-users] RT autoreply username

Bruce Campbell bruce_campbell at ripe.net
Tue Oct 1 17:31:15 EDT 2002

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Dajani, Nader (TAG.GTS) wrote:

> I have just finished installing RT on an s390 mainframe, and I am

Were there any problems in getting RT running on this?

> Whenever I open a new ticket in a queue that I have created (say
> 'testqueue'), I get an email autoreply from RT with the default
> autoresponse template.  The problem is that the username in my inbox is
> 'Daemon user for apache' and the reply-to address is
> wwwrun at whateverRTserver.com.  I looked into the httpd.conf file and it

You are running into the trusted user problem, where your MTA (Sendmail)
doesn't trust the wwwrun user to alter its 'From' address (from
'wwwrun at your.domain' to whatever your queue is)

http://www.fsck.com/rtfm/factoid.html?id=108 gives a brief description of
the solution.

                             Bruce Campbell                            RIPE
                   Systems/Network Engineer                             NCC
                 www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B             Operations/Security

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