[rt-users] reply vs. comment documented?

Sheeri Kritzer sheeri.kritzer at tufts.edu
Mon Oct 21 13:57:51 EDT 2002

Hey all,

We have problems with numerous users forgetting to check whether they're hitting "reply" or "comment" and then complaining that RT is broken because it never sent their mail.
  This gets especially annoying when they insist that they cc'd people, therefore it should go out.

Is there a way that RT can store (and display) whether or not a user actually sent mail out?  Ie, instead of "correspondence added" in the history, could it say "comment added" or "reply added" or some other indication that would let me as an RT admin point to it and say, "this says you commented, not replied, and therefore you lose.  Please remember to read the next time."

Or something.  :)  thanx!

-Sheeri Kritzer
Systems Administrator
University Systems Group
Tufts University
sheeri.kritzer at tufts.edu

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