[rt-users] RE: Cc broken in 3.0.6

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Tue Dec 16 11:39:42 EST 2003

Craig Schenk wrote:
> The /opt/rt3/var/log directory contains nothing... no logfile at all. It was
> owned by root & group bin, per the default install. I tried making it owned by
> the web server & group rt, even making it world writable, and nothing's
> getting written still.

> Is logging not enabled by default, or am I looking in
> the wrong place?
Yes, not enabled to file, but enable through SysLog.
But I think you should try LogToFile(in RT config) with 'debug' level.
> On 16-Dec-2003 Senoner Samuel wrote:
>>Does the log file of rt show that it is sending the mail to the cc or des
>>ist show that he didn't find any recipient?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Craig Schenk [mailto:murple at murple.net] 
>>Sent: Tuesday,16 December,2003 17:05
>>To: Ruslan U. Zakirov
>>Cc: rt-users at lists.fsck.com
>>Subject: Re: [rt-users] RE: Cc broken in 3.0.6
>>>*IF* you look in Configuration->Global->Scrips or in
>>>Configuration->Queues->Your Queue->Scrips then you'll find there 
>>>set of scrips with nice descriptions.
>>These are the global scrips set right now. This RT server is unmodified from
>>a production server other than to add some users and modify the
>>RT_SiteConfig.pm file. I have not changed any scrips. These are enabled
>>On Correspond Open Tickets with template Blank On Create Autoreply To
>>Requestors with template Autoreply On Create Notify AdminCcs with template
>>Transaction On Correspond Notify AdminCcs with template Admin Correspondence
>>On Correspond Notify Requestors and Ccs with template Correspondence On
>>Correspond Notify Other Recipients with template Correspondence On Comment
>>Notify AdminCcs as Comment with template Admin Comment On Comment Notify
>>Other Recipients as Comment with template Correspondence On Resolve Notify
>>Requestors with template Resolved
>>There is a scrip globally enabled that says it will notify requestors and
>>Ccs, at least based on the way I read "On Correspond Notify Requestors and
>>Ccs with template Correspondence"... but only requestors get the email when
>>there is a response to a ticket.
>>>May be I've missed something do you have Cc'ers for those Tickets in 
>>>WebUI on Ticket's people page?
>>Yes. It stores and displays the Cc field right, but does not send email when
>>a ticket is replied to.
>>And just in case I configured something wrong, this is whats in my
>>RT_SiteConfig.pm file:
>>Set($rtname , "rt.office.com");
>>Set($Organization , "rt.office.com");
>>Set($OwnerEmail , 'CraigSchenk1\@office.com');
>>Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1); Set($RTAddressRegexp ,
>>'^rt\@rt.office.com$'); Set($WebPath , "/rt"); Set($WebBaseURL ,
>>"http://rt.office.com"); Set($WebURL , "http://rt.office.com/rt/");
>>Set($WebImagesURL , "http://rt.office.com/rt/NoAuth/images/");
>>Set($LogoURL , $WebImagesURL . "rt.jpg"); Set($TrustHTMLAttachments ,
>>undef); Set($CorrespondAddress , 'rt\@rt.office.com'); Set($CommentAddress ,
>>'rt-comment\@rt.office.com'); 1;

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