[rt-users] Who's using RT? Seeking for more references.

Lieven Tomme lieven.tomme at aquanta.com
Tue Sep 16 08:56:24 EDT 2003

Hello dear RT users,

I know of the praise for RT that lives at 
http://www.bestpractical.com/rt/praise.html, but I am actually looking for 
much more references towards companies using RT. This arises from people that 
feel rather lonely, if they would be starting to use RT as well ;)
Hence, I would appreciate your cooperation as RT user, by simply mailing the 
company's name, it's country, and the company's web site.
In order to not overload the rt-users list, I have enabled a mailbox, 
rtrefs at aquanta.com.
Speaking about ourselves at once, it would be nice to have this syntax used:

Aquanta networks, Belgium, http://www.aquanta.com

I appreciate every contribution. And of course, I am willing to provide the 
Greetings to all of you,


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