[rt-users] Paging based on priority.

Nathan Affleck neaffleck at ucdavis.edu
Mon Dec 13 16:25:18 EST 2004


I've modified the SelfService page so that users can submit a priority  of
(0,25,75, or 100) --- based on this information, I'd like RT to send a
notification to the pager field (which is actually an email address) to a
group of users if the priority is, say, greater/eqaul than 75.

Has anyone done anything like this?  I suppose a scrip would be ideal that
does something along the lines of:

On new Ticket Create, if priority is greater/equal than 75 notify AdminCC's
by pager field?  Or, perhaps it can be incorporated directly into the
submission process?

Scrips are slightly confusing, and I haven't seen any good
examples/documentation of their use.  Still looking though.

-Nathan Affleck

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