[rt-users] Re: rt-mailgate

Thomas M. Payerle payerle at physics.umd.edu
Fri Apr 22 11:31:51 EDT 2005

> On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 11:41:08AM +0200, Sivan DERAY wrote:
>> I want to set an other RT on an other machine.
>> I need to know if the alias "rt" used in /etc/aliases could be changed
>> to rt-test for exemple ?
>> Or does Request Tracker is waiting for an "rt" occurrence only ?
I am new to RT, but as part of my testing I submitted tickets using
rt-mailgate on the command line (sending pseudo email as input).  Not 
necessarily a recommended way to do things, but as I did not bother to
put a To: header in, I can say pretty confidently that rt-mailgate does
not care what the to address is.  Any use of "rt" in the alias name is
for convenience of humans administering it.
> I thought you had to match that string with a setting in RT_Config, but
> I don't see it (I'm fairly new to RT, myself).
I believe that is so that RT does not get into loops: e.g. I reply to email
from RT about a request I sent, perhaps cc'ing rt.  We do not want rt to
send mail to the rt alias generating another comment (which then sends mail
to the rt alias, ad infinitum).

This certainly should be done, but will not (immediately) break things if
not done.
> Now, if your RT machines are not the direct mail-catchers for your
> domain, you'll have to deal with forwarding the messages that come in
> appropriately, but that's a separate issue.
Or you just install rt-mailgate on your domain incoming SMTP servers, and
install the aliases on those servers, each specifying different options to
rt-mailgate (e.g. different URLs).

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