[rt-users] Re: rt-mailgate

Drew Barnes barnesaw at ucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu
Fri Apr 22 12:09:39 EDT 2005

Thomas M. Payerle wrote:

>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2005 at 11:41:08AM +0200, Sivan DERAY wrote:
>>> I want to set an other RT on an other machine.
>>> I need to know if the alias "rt" used in /etc/aliases could be changed
>>> to rt-test for exemple ?
>>> Or does Request Tracker is waiting for an "rt" occurrence only ?
> I am new to RT, but as part of my testing I submitted tickets using
> rt-mailgate on the command line (sending pseudo email as input).  Not 
> necessarily a recommended way to do things, but as I did not bother to
> put a To: header in, I can say pretty confidently that rt-mailgate does
> not care what the to address is.  Any use of "rt" in the alias name is
> for convenience of humans administering it.

> I thought you had to match that string with a setting in RT_Config, but
> I don't see it (I'm fairly new to RT, myself).

> I believe that is so that RT does not get into loops: e.g. I reply to 
> email
> from RT about a request I sent, perhaps cc'ing rt.  We do not want rt to
> send mail to the rt alias generating another comment (which then sends 
> mail
> to the rt alias, ad infinitum).

I think you mean the
Set($ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs , 1); 
Set($RTAddressRegexp , '^rt\@example.com$');
portions.  This is not something we do, although we probably should.  
Thankfully, most of our users are not in the habit of CCing anyone 
except their supervisors.

Set($RTAddressRegexp , 
'^net(support|staff)\@(outside|rtbox)\.domain\.edu'); is what we should 
be using, I think.  Until I get a chance to test it on a non-production 
box, I don't know for sure that this is the case.  Better explanations 
of the address are below.  Hopefully that will clear up the syntax I'm 

> This certainly should be done, but will not (immediately) break things if
> not done.
>> Now, if your RT machines are not the direct mail-catchers for your
>> domain, you'll have to deal with forwarding the messages that come in
>> appropriately, but that's a separate issue.
> Or you just install rt-mailgate on your domain incoming SMTP servers, and
> install the aliases on those servers, each specifying different 
> options to
> rt-mailgate (e.g. different URLs).

For us, our netsupport|netstaff at outside.domain.edu accounts forward to 
netsupport|netstaff at rtbox.domain.edu.  The rt-mailgate resides on that 
host, watching for netsupport|netstaff at rtbox.domain.edu.  That is also 
the correspond|comment address, so all replies route directly back to 
that box.

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Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati

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