[rt-users] "More About user" section not appearing when viewing tickets submitted by users who are granted rights in RT

Aaron Nichols adnichols at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 16:59:39 EST 2005

Hello Everyone,
    Since this has been the case since I installed RT 3.4.2 and is
still true in 3.4.4, I assume this is either a config issue on my end
or 'by design'. When viewing a ticket submitted by a user who is not
granted rights in RT (user was created automatically upon email
submission) I get a section under "Links" labeled "More About
Lastname, Firstname...". I can click that link to get more info about
them. This section also lists other tickets they have open and any
comments about them in that section below.

I do not see this section when viewing ticket submitted by users who
have rights in RT, even when they submit the ticket via email. Why is
that and is there some way to make it so that I can see this
information for users who are granted rights in RT as well as "non
privileged" users? Most users who are granted rights were setup
manually vs. being automatically created via email - could it be some
formatting problem with the way the users were originally setup?

Running RT 3.4.4 w/ fastcgi. Glad to provide additional details if desired.

Thanks again, great product - it says a lot (to me, if to nobody else)
that this is really the only issue I have with RT so far.


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