[rt-users] RT SelfService

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 11 11:58:45 EDT 2006

At Friday 8/11/2006 11:20 AM, Steve Berg wrote:
>I have a number of my users who need the occasional privileged user 
>status so they have that box checked in their user profile but they 
>get confused when they want to submit a ticket the normal way.  I 
>see if they go to http://rt/SelfService they can get to the usual 
>selfservice screen.  Is there an easy way to add that URL to the 
>Left Nav menu so they can click on the link rather than having to 
>remember the URL?


You can add items to the menu through a callback. This works for 
3.4.2, not sure about higher versions. Create a file 
$RTHOME/local/html/Callbacks/XXXX/Elements/Tabs/Default (XXXX can be 
whatever you choose).

Contents of the new file should be something like this:

$topactions => undef,
$toptabs => undef

$toptabs->{Za} = { title => 'Self Service',
                   path => "/SelfService",

(The 'Za' string will place this entry at the bottom of the other 
entries. You can play around with this value to position the entry 
elsewhere - e.g.'Aa' would place it between the RT Home and Tickets links).


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