[rt-users] RTFM multiple search terms

David Smithson dsmithson at activsupport.com
Sat Jul 8 04:18:08 EDT 2006

Hi.  I've recently installed RTFM 2.2rc2 in RT 3.6.  On ticket replies,
it is possible to search RTFM for entries based on a string.  I have
been unable to search on multiple terms.  I've checked all the
documentation and as of yet I don't understand the syntax for searching
multiple strings contained in the RTFM entry.  In other words, a search
for 'foo' returns entries containing 'foo', but a search for 'foo bar',
only returns entries containing exactly 'foo bar', but not 'foo OR bar'
or 'foo AND bar'.  Am I missing something or is RTFM lacking this
functionality that I am expecting?


David Smithson

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