[rt-users] RTx::Statistics install issues (found a thread, but no resolution)

Paul Crossman Paul.Crossman at tvguide.com
Mon May 22 14:24:31 EDT 2006

I'm having issues with an RTx::Statistics 1.0.8 installation and this
thread in the list
is the exact problem I'm having, however the thread just ends with no
resolution.  If you are one of the posters having this problem (Bill
and/or Austin), could you contact me with your eventual solution if you
ever found one?

I'm moving my RT installation from one RHEL sever to another and the
link for Statistics doesn't show up on the left column on the new

The only strange thing I can see is this error appears on my apache

[Mon May 22 11:47:08 2006] [error] [client] FastCGI: server
"/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr: Use of uninitialized value in
length at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/HTML/Mason/Resolver/File.pm
line 52., referer: http://myrtserver.tvguide.com/rt/

Current config:
RT 3.4.2

I've tried both using the Makefile and just copying the files to

I can go to links by hand, but I can't click on any in the Stats
screens.  I get HTTP errors.


System error
error:  	could not find component for initial path
'/RTx/OpenStalled/index.html' (component roots are:
'/opt/rt3/local/html', '/opt/rt3/share/html')
200:  	$self->{out_method} = sub { $$bufref .= $_[0] };
201:  	}
202:  	$self->{use_internal_component_caches} =
203:  	$self->{interp}->use_internal_component_caches;
204:  	$self->_initialize;
206:  	return $self;
207:  	}
code stack:  	/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm:204
raw error

Any help would be appreciated.

Paul C.

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