[rt-users] Apache is not starting

abhishek bhardwaj bhardwaj_abhishek at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 17:15:28 EDT 2006

        I  follow the document which is available on  http://wiki.bestpractical.com/index.cgi?DebianStableInstallGuide
      I  edit the Edit  /usr/local/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm: file  and make following entries
      Set($rtname,  'rt.eai.india.campuseai.org');
    Set($Organization  , "eai.india.campuseai.org");
    Set($MinimumPasswordLength  , "8");
    Set($Timezone  , 'Europe/Foo');
    Set($DatabaseType  , 'mysql');
    Set($DatabasePassword  , 'rt_pass');
    Set($MaxAttachmentSize  , 50000000);
    Set($CorrespondAddress  , 'RT_CorrespondAddressNotSet');
    Set($CommentAddress  , 'RT_CommentAddressNotSet');
    Set($WebBaseURL  , 'https://rt.eai.india.campuseai.org');
    Set($WebPath  , '/rt');
    #Set($WebDefaultStylesheet,  '3.4-compat');
    Set($WebDefaultStylesheet,  '3.5-default');
    eai  is the host name of the server where i m configuring RT and   eai.india.campuseai.org is the fqdn of this server.
    And  following entries i made in the /etc/apache-ssl/httpd.conf:  
    <VirtualHost >
    ServerName  eai.india.campuseai.org
    Alias  /rt "/usr/local/rt3/share/html"
    PerlModule  Apache::DBI
    PerlRequire  /usr/local/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
    <Directory  /usr/local/rt3/share/html>
      AllowOverride All
      Options ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks
    <Location  /rt>
       RewriteEngine On
       AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler RT::Mason
    When  i restart the httpd server it is saying as follows
    eai:~#  apache-sslctl restart
    /usr/sbin/apache-sslctl  restart: httpsd not running, trying to start
    Reading  key for server localhost:443
    /usr/sbin/apache-sslctl  restart: httpsd could not be started
    I  checked the logs but not get any reasion for not starting httpd   
    logs  are following
    eai:/var/log/apache-ssl#  tail error.log
    [Wed  Sep  6 22:16:32 2006] [crit] Attempt to reinitialise SSL for  server eai.india.campuseai.org
    [Wed  Sep  6 22:17:18 2006] [crit] Attempt to reinitialise SSL for  server eai.india.campuseai.org
    [Wed  Sep  6 22:26:21 2006] [crit] Attempt to reinitialise SSL for  server eai.india.campuseai.org
    [Wed  Sep  6 22:26:41 2006] [crit] Attempt to reinitialise SSL for  server eai.india.campuseai.org
    [Wed  Sep  6 22:26:47 2006] [crit] Attempt to reinitialise SSL for  server eai.india.campuseai.org
    Please  advise me in this regard.
    Thanks  for your suggestion in advance

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