[rt-users] Permission Denied? What permission?

José de Paula Eufrásio Júnior jose.junior at mds.gov.br
Thu Jul 19 15:07:41 EDT 2007


since yesterday there's ONE user with problems with email. When he 
replies an RT email he gets a message from the RT system with 
"Permission Denied" on it.
The thing is, he's in the same group as me, with no different 
permissions on the queues we operate, and I can comment and use emails 
nmormally. The other info is that using the web interface he can answer 
and comment on the same tickets that return errors using the email 

The only thing non standart on our installation is the "Actions" module, 
but it works with everybody else.
There's a snippet from the rt.log, as you can see I get the 'Permission 
Denied" error too, but no idea of what/who is being denied of what.

[Thu Jul 19 17:14:47 2007] [debug]: Converting 'ISO-8859-1' to 'utf-8' 
for text/plain - [CGI #31667] Re: [Rede] Host UP alert for 
router-blococ! (/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib/RT/I18N.pm:225)
[Thu Jul 19 17:14:47 2007] [debug]: Found a ticket ID. It's 31667 
[Thu Jul 19 17:14:48 2007] [warning]: Couldn't write correspond. 
Fallback to standard mailgate. Error: Permission Denied 
(/usr/share/perl5/RT/Interface/Email/Filter/TakeAction.pm:316)[Thu Jul 
19 17:14:48 2007] [crit]: Permission Denied 
[Thu Jul 19 17:14:50 2007] [error]: Could not record email: Message not 
recorded: Permission Denied 

Thanks for any help.

Jose P. E. Junior

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