[rt-users] text editing in internet browsers (WAS: RT 4) (RT against normal people ?)

Robert Grasso Robert.Grasso at cedrat.com
Tue Jun 5 09:14:39 EDT 2007

> Comparing a internet browser to a word processor makes no sense. Perhaps
> your users should be composing their replies in a text editor if they
> are losing their form posting content so often.
sorry as I did not recognize the subject at first - please refer to my previous answer today (using subject : RT 4)

our support staffers don't lose their posts. They are afraid they can lose them, and this is enough for normal people to ask for
some form of protection. Now, if you say : "Comparing a internet browser to a word processor makes no sense" : should we say that we
should not have "normal" people (non-IT people) using RT ?

Now, up to what point are you right ? See Wikipedia technology for writing articles : it's beginning to be feature-rich ? so
enhanced editing seems to be possible even with a browser ? I guess that their "Show preview" is not so far from the feature I am
asking for RT.

Maybe we should have an official position from the RT developers : is RT definitely for geeks ? normal people keep out ? what is the
comunity opinion ?

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