[rt-users] Auto incrementing custom field

Kevin Squire gentgeen at linuxmail.org
Tue Jun 5 12:47:02 EDT 2007

On Tue, 5 Jun 2007 09:18:53 -0700
"James Alspach" <jalspach at shastacoe.org> wrote:

> The next problem (one I will be happy if I get) will be trying to
> install a recent version on Linux. Maybe it is just me but, RT is not
> the simplest thing to install.  Actually RT is easy to install it is
> the Perl dependencies, etc... that are giving me fits.

I will let someone more experienced with RT answer your first part... as
for this part...

I must say that installing from the Debian repository, and just
following the docs provided with the RT .deb file
(/usr/share/doc/request-tracker3.4/ in my case) was really painless. 
the whole dependancy thing was a none issue. (either it came in as part
of the apt-get or the docs told me to do the cpan install)  

REALLY the install of RT was a non-issue.  If anything choosing the
right hardware was the hardest part :-)  (I should correct that, Once I
impressed the powers-that-be to use RT, the hardware choosing was hard. 
During the "proving" stage I just used an older 1.x Ghz desktop system
that was sitting around)


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