[rt-users] RT 4 [Draft tickets]

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 6 09:28:58 EDT 2007

At Friday 6/1/2007 09:40 AM, Robert Grasso wrote:
>oh well, I am very late with my answer, but I had this thought right 
>now : so I don't know if this request has been submitted
>already :
>my users would deeply appreciate being able to temporarily SAVE a 
>draft ticket, just to protect against a power shortage, sudden
>interruptions, and such; I mean : one is writing a long email (this 
>is regularly the case in our scientific business), this takes
>time, and from time to time people would like to click on some 
>"Save" button or link, so that they can be sure they will get their
>mail back whatever can happen.
>For the moment some of them use to write their email into 
>MS-Outlook, save it regularly with Ctrl-S, and when they are satisfied
>they copy it into the ticket and send it - but this is not a very 
>satisfying workaround

Hello all,

I'm not sure why this generated so much controversy; it seems like a 
reasonable feature request. We had a similar one from our Help Desk, 
and we came up with this solution/workaround:

We created a "text area" custom field called Scratchpad. The usage is 
that anyone concerned about losing a long reply can type into this 
field, hitting Save as often as they want. When they've finished 
composing the message, they can copy & paste into the ticket's 
message/reply box and send.

The copy/paste might be a pain, but it wouldn't be too hard to add a 
control that would do the copy for you.


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