[rt-users] Charts for custom field search

Terence Monteiro terence at deeproot.co.in
Wed Nov 28 09:23:12 EST 2007


I'm having trouble trying to get a bar chart to show for tickets which 
have a specific value for a custom field. As per the TicketSQL wiki on 
bestpratical.com, I'd edited the condition in the "Advanced" area to use
CustomField.My_Custom_Fieldname = 'My Value' and then performed the search.

As expected, I got a list of tickets which had the given value for the
given custom field. However, when I attempted to view the bar chart for the
resultant data, giving CreatedDaily as group by condition, I get just a blank
chart. I'm using RT 3.6.4.

My custom field has an '_' in it. Is that the cause? Does RT 7 have chart 
support for custom fields?

Thanks and Regards,
Terence Monteiro.

DeepRoot Linux,
Ph: +91 (80) 4112 4784 / 85.

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