[rt-users] Reassigning Tickets

Roy El-Hames rfh at pipex.net
Thu Sep 6 10:15:22 EDT 2007

Where I am anyone can assign to anyone , for that I commented out the 
following lines in Ticket_Overlay.pm

#if (    ( $Type ne 'Steal' )
    #    and ( $Type ne 'Force' )
    #    and    #If we're not stealing
    #    ( $self->OwnerObj->Id != $RT::Nobody->Id ) and    #and the 
owner is set
    #    ( $self->CurrentUser->Id ne $self->OwnerObj->Id() )
    #  ) {                                                 #and it's not us
    #    return ( 0, $self->loc("You can only take tickets that are 
unowned") )
    #        if $NewOwnerObj->id == $self->CurrentUser->id;
    #    return (
    #        0,
    #        $self->loc("You can only reassign tickets that you own or 
that are unowned" )
    #    );
    ## End Change

You probably need to modify it rather than comment it out , I am just 
pointing out where to look.

Mathew Snyder wrote:
> It seems to me that, as the RT Admin with SuperUser rights, I should be able to
> give tickets which I don't own to someone else.  Instead, I have to steal the
> ticket and then reassign it.  Is there a workaround for this?  It seems like a
> bit of unnecessary work for someone that has admin rights.

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