[rt-users] Other RT re-opening tickets we close in our RT...

Jerrad Pierce jpierce at cambridgeenergyalliance.org
Mon Aug 25 13:18:21 EDT 2008

In RT_Config.pm

=item C<$ExtractSubjectTagMatch>, C<$ExtractSubjectTagNoMatch>

The default "extract remote tracking tags" scrip settings; these
detect when your RT is talking to another RT, and adjusts the
subject accordingly.


Set($ExtractSubjectTagMatch, qr/\[.+? #\d+\]/);
Set($ExtractSubjectTagNoMatch, ( ${RT::EmailSubjectTagRegex}
       ? qr/\[(?:${RT::EmailSubjectTagRegex}) #\d+\]/
       : qr/\[\Q$RT::rtname\E #\d+\]/));


I imagine then, that after this you could have a scrip detect the condition,
and bail.
Cambridge Energy Alliance: Save money & the planet
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