[rt-users] "No object mapping for field" when referencing the UserObject of a MembersObject...

Johnathan Bell johnathan.bell at baker.edu
Thu May 21 13:46:10 EDT 2009

Please let me know if this is supposed to go to RT-Users or RT-Devel.

I'm trying to write a utility to interface with Request Tracker, and 
part of what that utility has to do is get the members of some user 
created groups. Just sub in actual groups for what you want in there, 
CurrentUser works and is already initialized by the time my program gets 
here. Mostly borrowing this code from the old rtimportldap script, I 
came up with this:

    # RT Group
    $groupObj = new RT::Group($CurrentUser);
    $groupObj->Id() || die "Group ".$groupName." not found in 

    $groupMembersObj = $groupObj->MembersObj();
    print $groupObj->Id().":".$groupObj.":".$groupMembersObj.":"
        .$groupMembersObj->Next()->UserObj()."\n"; ## This creates an error
    while ( $groupMember = $groupMembersObj->Next() )
        $groupMemberUser = $groupMember->UserObj();
        print $groupMemberUser->Name()."\n"; ## This does too
        #$memberName = $groupMemberUser->Name();
        #push(@rtMembers, $memberName);

What it seems is that GroupObj->MembersObj()->Next()->UserObj() causes 
the problem, as UserObj() returns, not a UserObject, but a string 
stating "No object mapping for field" Attempting to use the Name() 
function of course doesn't work because "No object..."->Name() doesn't 
make sense... What's going on?


Johnathan Bell
Internet System Administrator, Baker College

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