[rt-users] Description of new privileges

Shawn M Moore sartak at bestpractical.com
Thu Jan 14 15:57:18 EST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 1/14/10 3:45 PM, Ken Crocker wrote:
> 2) What's the difference between "CreateDashboard" and the other 
> "CreateXXXDashboard" rights?

CreateOwnDashboard, ModifyOwnDashboard, DeleteOwnDashboard, and
SeeOwnDashboard lets the user operate on dashboards on a personal level.
No one else can use these dashboards.

CreateGroupDashboard, ModifyGroupDashboard, DeleteGroupDashboard, and
SeeGroupDashboard are assigned to users on a group level. This lets the
user operate on dashboards for that group.

CreateDashboard, DeleteDashboard, ModifyDashboard, and SeeDashboard  are
assigned to users on a global level. This lets them operate on
system-wide dashboards. In retrospect. these right names should have
included the word System.

> 3) In fact, what are the interelationships between all the "Dashboard" 
> rights in terms of needing one for the other?

As far as I can remember, there are no hard-coded inter-relationships,
except that you need to be able to see a dashboard to subscribe to it.
Being able to see a dashboard will make modifying and deleting it
easier, obviously.

The Own/Group/System rights are completely distinct.

> 4) What does "SubscribeDashboard" do and how does it relate to the other 
> "Dashboard" rights?

Users can subscribe to dashboards to receive their results periodically
via email. This is controlled in the "Subscription" tab of the given

This feature requires that you set up the rt-email-dashboards cronjob.

> Kenn

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