[rt-users] RTAddressRegexp - not clear to me

Joseph Spenner joseph85750 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 27 17:02:27 EDT 2010

If life gives you lemons, keep them-- because hey.. free lemons.

--- On Tue, 7/27/10, Mike Johnson <mike.johnson at nosm.ca> wrote:

From: Mike Johnson <mike.johnson at nosm.ca>
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTAddressRegexp - not clear to me
To: "Joseph Spenner" <joseph85750 at yahoo.com>
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 2:35 PM

It's really a safeguard, because not everyone that uses your RT instance is "smart" enough to prevent loops from happening.
And my example showed 2 queues... but you only need email address and a "goofy" user for a loop to happen that will cripple the system.
I've had end-users reply to an email coming from <Mike Johnson via RT>(which the Reply-To: on those emails is helpdesk at nosm.ca) and cc helpdesk at nosm.ca.

If you use the ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs, the above can become quite troublesome without RTAddressRegexp, as it would append helpdesk at nosm.ca as a Cc email address, which would then email out to helpdesk at nosm.ca whenever you do correspondence that a Cc would see...

Hope that helps!

Why couldn't the application simply query the database to figure out what the queue email addresses are, and don't permit them to be a recipient?

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