[rt-users] Global Scrips & Templates - with 1 Queue Exception

Chris Herrmann chris.herrmann at faredge.com.au
Mon Feb 21 21:21:58 EST 2011

Hi Joanne,

I'm sure there is a much better way to do this, but the following worked for me:

1.      Modify the scrip that is responsible for doing the autoreply. In our case this is the global scrip "User Defined Autoreply To Requestors"

2.      Add a user defined custom condition. Ours looks like:

# Dont do anything if queue is Octopus
my $QueueName = "octopussupport";
return 0 if $self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name eq $QueueName;
# Dont do anything if queue is Custom Support
my $QueueName = "customsupport";
return 0 if $self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name eq $QueueName;
# Check if this for the Create Action
return 1 if $self->TransactionObj->Type eq 'Create';
return 0;

This means that if it is for the Octopus or Custom Queue that it does not follow the regular create action (returning 0 instead of 1). This means that you don't get the correspond / template response.

3.      Create a template with the response that you want, that you will use in the next step (e.g. "customqueueautoreplytemplate")

4.      You then need to create a custom scrip that applies just to that queue. For example, create a scrip that applies only to the "custom queue"

Description: customoncreate
Condition: On Create
Action: Auto Reply to Requestors
Template: customqueueautoreplytemplate
Stage: TransactionCreate

If there is a more elegant way of doing this then please let me know. This works OK because there are a low number of exceptions. If you had hundreds of queues, and different handling for each queue then I think it would make more sense to disable the default global scrips and instead code it on a per queue basis...


Chris Herrmann
Far Edge Technology

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m. 0403 393309

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