[rt-users] Search for tickets with unread comments

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Fri Mar 4 09:23:20 EST 2011

Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 07:42:35AM -0800, Yan Seiner wrote:
>> I'm trying to come up with a search for "my tickets with unread comments"
>> and I'm failing....
>> What I'd like to do is have a list of tickets that have been updated since
>> the last time I looked at them show up on the dashboard.
>> How can I do that?
> Try adding UpdateStatus to the format of your saved search, it works
> in conjunction with the ShowUnreadMessages configuration variable.
> You'll likely want to order your search by last updated to make that
> more useful.

That does in fact add a "New Messages" to my saved search... But it 
doesn't work (or at least not work the way I would have expected.)

Let me explain the scenario I'm working on:

I have some 20 people actively using RT to keep track of work in 
progress.  Roughly 5 are office and 15 are field crews.  I expect people 
from outside RT email comments to the general support email address, or 
to contact someone in higher management, who will then add a comment to 
the ticket.

These comments are typically about our field crews. When someone emails 
a response, we have to answer fairly quickly.  I would like RT to flag 
any tickets where there are new comments so that the office crews can 
get on top of the situation quickly and deal with it.  In other words, 
any ticket with new comments should be flagged as more urgent, or higher 
priority, than any other ticket.

Back to the "New Messages" behavior - it doesn't do that.  It says "No" 
even if a new emailed comment appears.  Is there a way to get the 
behavior I want?

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