[rt-users] Improvement suggestions

BÁLINT Bekény balint.bekeny at docca.hu
Fri Mar 23 16:16:59 EDT 2012

Hi Cris,

I absolutely agree with you.
Lot of our users asked for this feature, that's why I do the following:
- give an "ERROR:" prefix in the language file to every result line with
type error
- modify /Elements/ListActions to place these error lines in a
"results-error" class <div>
- in the css make results-error div red

It's not so nice but it works. I think a standard solution for this would
be better...


On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Guadagnino Cristiano <
guadagnino.cristiano at creval.it> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a few problems that, if solved, I think may enhance the quality
> of RT.
> 1) RT displays a lot of notification messages through a pale yellow
> message box on top of the ticket page. Everything is displayed the same
> way regardless of nature (info, error, etc.).
> I think that it would be good to separate this messages at least into
> two categories: info (usual pale yellow box) and error (pale red box).
> Presently, since you cannot easily tell the difference, it happens quite
> often that one operator tries to take a ticket just half a second
> another operator took it, gets an error box, thinks it is the usual
> confirmation box, and starts working on the ticket. Sometimes he even
> does not realize he is doing duplicate work until he tries to resolve!
> 2) Beginning users of RT often fall into this error: click "resolve" on
> top of the ticket, write some message, then click "resolve" again
> instead of clicking on "update ticket" at the bottom. Why does "resolve"
> still show on top of the ticket when you're resolving? Is it possible to
> remove it? I think it doesn't belongs there.
> 3) Custom field of type "check multiple values" (check-box) could be
> ticked directly from the display page of a ticket instead of having to
> go into the modify page. It would help streamlining the work on tickets.
> Just a few thoughts.
> Thank you
> Cris
> p.s. We are using RT 3.8.10 and testing 4.02. Both have the mentioned
> "problems".
> --
> Cristiano Guadagnino
> Servizio Data Administration
> Bankadati S.I.
> Gruppo Credito Valtellinese
> Tel. +39-0342-522172
> --------
> RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
> * Boston  March 5 & 6, 2012
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