[rt-users] RTx Statistics year limit to 2012

Rodrigo de Campos sprc86 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 11:20:52 EST 2013

Hi rt-users list,

In the company where I am working, we are using the the version 3.6.1 of
Request Tracker (for specific reasons we are not going to upgrade it right
now). Also, we are using the plugin RTx Statistics and that's where my
problem relies.

As I understand, this plugin is no longer maintained and the last version
supported displays the maximum year of 2012. Check the URL

As well as the lib:
(grep for 2012)

I don't really know how can we increase the years, so we can continue using
this version. I could spend some days learning the ins and outs from this
specific project but I'm not really very knowledgeable IN PERL, plus my
time is short.

So, anyone on the list good with PERL and that understand how this project
works?  If yes, please guide me on which files should I modify in order to
generate statistics to 2013.

I hope I made myself clear.

Thank you very much in advance!


Rodrigo de Campos
CompTIA Network+ Certified

"If it's broken, fix it; If it works, improve it!"
Tech blog: http://sparc86.wordpress.com
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