[rt-users] reinstall Request Tracker

John Bako john.bako at nyu.edu
Wed Jul 6 11:53:10 EDT 2016

In addition to reinstalling the code, you'll need to wipe and reinitialize
the database.  See step 6a in

John Bako
Manager, Scientific Computing
Department of Biology & Center for Genomics and Systems Biology
New York University
212-998-8207 (office)

On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Dunbar, Brian <Brian.Dunbar at von.ca> wrote:

> I get errors in my RT-Mailgate and I don’t see a way to fix it. I copied
> the contents of RT_SiteConfig.pm and 000-default.conf from apache to a text
> file.
> Would it make sense to apt-get purge request-tracker then reinstall so I
> have a clean installation?
> The server is not in production yet.
> Thanks for any input.
> Regards
> Brian
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