[svk-devel] svk pull: individual revisions, attributed to the original author

David Glasser glasser at mit.edu
Wed Aug 23 09:25:43 EDT 2006

On 8/23/06, Pazu <pazu at pazu.com.br> wrote:
> Is there any way to do that? Right now, every time I do a svk pull
> //local/my-project to update my local repository, svk lumps all changes
> from upstream in a single commit. This makes things harder when trying
> to track down individual changes.

While pull itself is currently hardcoded to always "lump", you can use
the smerge (or sm) command yourself: something like

 svk sm -I -t //local/my-project

The -t means "to", and the "-I" means "incremental".  Note that you
really should specify the depotpath and not just default to the
working copy, since otherwise it will merge directly into the checkout
instead of into the repo.

If you want the log messages to be preserved without adding svk's
header, add a --verbatim.

> Another improvement that would make my life easier is attribute those
> individual changes to the same author as the upstream repository,
> instead of attributing them to my local user.

smerge can't do this (at the moment), sorry.

... on the other hand, what are you actually trying to do? Are you
just trying to use "svk blame" without seeing every single change as
from you? Try "svk blame -x".


David Glasser | glasser at mit.edu | http://www.davidglasser.net/

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