[svk-devel] Current 2.0-releng branch (and 2.0.1) fail tests on Fedora 7

Chia-Liang Kao clkao at clkao.org
Tue May 15 15:11:23 EDT 2007

On 15/05/07, Derek Atkins <warlord at mit.edu> wrote:
> Hmm, I dont recall seeing this on the list, but I might've
> missed the relevance when it came across.  Is this an actual
> bug in the code or is it just a bug in the test?  If the latter
> then I should be able to install and use SVK now, but if it's
> the former then I should wait for your patch to get committed.

That seems to be the latter (the tests are expecting a specific order
of "st" output where it might vary on different systems).


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