[rt-users] rights and queues

Obando, David DE - EV D.Obando at ehapa.de
Tue Sep 19 06:03:42 EDT 2006

Dear all,

I'm trying to grant rights in a specific way, but it doesn't work the
way I want it.

I have a group of users (dispatchers) who have extensive rights on my
whole rt system.
Now I created a new group which only has dispatching rights (creating,
modifying, stealing of tickets) for a specific queue (I granted queue
specific rights).

Users of these group can only create tickets in the defined queue but
they can see tickets e.g. when making queries.
On the default startpage (after the login) the users see some query
lists (10 highest tickets I own and others) and on this page the users
see tickets of other queues.

Is it possible to give a different startpage to the specific user?

Thanks and regards,
David Obando

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