[rt-users] Global Default Search Display Options? Is this possible?
Justin Hayes
justin.hayes at orbisuk.com
Thu Jun 7 05:22:55 EDT 2007
Hmm I've hacked User_Overlay.pm to create the preference when
creating a new user. Not sure if there's a better way but it seems to
work.... Still no default option either.
rt at ceres:~/local/lib/RT$ diff ../../../lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm
> # need to hack in out custom display columns preferences
> # so users get a nice 1-line results display rather than the
default 2-line
> my $attr = RT::Attribute->new ($self->CurrentUser);
> my ($attr_id, $attr_msg) = $attr->Create (Name => "Pref-
SearchDisplay", Content =>
+JywNCidfX1Jlc29sdmVkUmVsYXRpdmVfXycAAAAGRm9ybWF0", ContentType =>
"storable", ObjectType => "RT::User", ObjectId => "$id", Object =>
> unless ($attr_id) {
> $RT::Logger->crit("Could not add search display preference
on user creation. Aborted");
> $RT::Logger->crit($attr_msg);
> $RT::Handle->Rollback();
> return ( 0, $self->loc('Could not create user') );
> }
Justin Hayes
Support Manager
justin.hayes at orbisuk.com
On 7 Jun 2007, at 09:51, Justin Hayes wrote:
> I'm using 3.6.3. You can set up a global default At A Glance layout
> in the options, which is great.
> However I can't find any way to set up a global set of 'Search
> Options' ie the columns returned by searches.
> I don't like the 2-line display and also want to change columns
> shown for my users, some of which work in other companies to mine.
> I don't want to have to update the preferences for a user every
> time I add one, and if they alter their own there seems to be no
> way for them to reset back to a default.
> Currently I'm inserting a Pref-SearchDisplay row into the
> Attributes table when migrating users from my current system, but
> once the migration is done and we're live I don't want to have to
> be hacking the DB data to reset a user's options.
> Any help appreciated.....
> Justin
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Justin Hayes
> Support Manager
> justin.hayes at orbisuk.com
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