FW: [rt-users] UnPriv User - Attachment Custom Fields

Jeff Stark JStark at sumtotalsystems.com
Mon Jun 11 13:59:40 EDT 2007

Jeff Stark, Sr Systems Administrator      
SumTotal Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq; SUMT)                       

OFFICE    +1 919 326 7548
MOBILE  +1 919 622 0418

EMAIL     jstark at sumtotalsystems.com

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From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:17 PM
To: rt-users
Subject: [rt-users] UnPriv User - Attachment Custom Fields

We have some custom fields that are for attachments....when the un-priv
user (in self service) clicks the link, it takes them to the default
self service page.
Can anyone tell me what permissions I need to change to allow the user
to get to /Downloads/CustomFieldValue/dhandler?
I have looked at Linux file permissions and am not sure where else to
look.  I don't see anything in Apache, I am sure its something silly
that I am just not thinking of.
Please advise,
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