[rt-users] RT thinks this message may be a bounce

Rana Tanveer ranatanveer at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 16:08:20 EDT 2008

Hi Kenn

for my test I created several tickets in different queues and than merged
them together, but on these merged ticket i am not getting the bounce error.

there might be other things wrong i could not sort out.

any further clue will be appreciated.

         Rana Tanveer

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Rana Tanveer <ranatanveer at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Kenn
> Thanks for your valuable support
> i will dig into it and let you know the situation.
> --
> ---------------------------------------------
>          Rana Tanveer
>         +923224194457
> http://www.sysadminsline.com
> ---------------------------------------------
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:20 PM, Kenneth Crocker <KFCrocker at lbl.gov>wrote:
>> Rana,
>>        If you know SQL and have either SQL Plus or SQL Navigator (or some
>> other tool), you might want to take a look at the "TICKETS" table. This
>> table will show you any links, tickets it merged from, etc. That might tell
>> you something. Have you run a query to see what queues there are/were in? If
>> a ticket from another Queue was merged into a ticket in a different Queue
>>  AND if that is the cause, you might be able to correct the problem by
>> unmerging the ticket, moving it to the correct queue and THEN merging it.
>>        To stop the problem, you could write a scrip that evaluates the
>> "FROM" queue on a merge and if no the same as the "TO" queue, do not
>> complete the transaction, or if that's not possible, UNDO the transaction.
>> Just a thought.
>> Kenn
>> On 10/21/2008 5:35 AM, Rana Tanveer wrote:
>>> Thanks Kenneth Crocker for you quick response
>>> might be but some other fellow did this merge.
>>> i actually want to know what should i do to avoid this situation. what to
>>> check and where to check. situation is annoyed getting too much bounces like
>>> that.
>>>  thanks for response
>>> regards,
>>> Rana Tanveer
>>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Kenneth Crocker <KFCrocker at lbl.gov<mailto:
>>> KFCrocker at lbl.gov>> wrote:
>>>    Rana,
>>>           When you merged the initial ticket, did you merge it into a
>>>    ticket in the same queue?
>>>    Kenn
>>>    LBNL
>>>    On 10/20/2008 8:11 AM, Rana Tanveer wrote:
>>>        Hi RT Experts
>>>        I am using RT 3.6.5. <http://3.6.5.> <http://3.6.5.> on a Fedora
>>>        9 Machine, everything is fine
>>>        but on my few merged ticket i get the following error mail
>>>        generated and sent to root user. on every reply this error mail
>>>        generated.
>>>        "RT thinks this message may be a bounce"
>>>        could someone guide me where should i look for this error? and
>>>        how to overcome this?
>>>        This problem is only with merged tickets only
>>>        --        ---------------------------------------------
>>>                Rana Tanveer
>>>               +923224194457
>>>        http://www.sysadminsline.com
>>>        ---------------------------------------------
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>>> --
>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>         Rana Tanveer
>>>        +923224194457
>>> http://www.sysadminsline.com
>>> ---------------------------------------------
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