[rt-users] MIME email not decoding - Sender or RT?

Cena, Stephen (ext. 300) SJC at qvii.com
Tue May 27 10:36:41 EDT 2014

We've recently upgraded from RT 4.2.3 to 4.2.4. We have one user that when they email us now, RT is recording the MIME encoded email and not decoding it. Thus far, it appears to only be from one specific user. Is there anything I should check on my RT configuration before I ask the user what they are using for mail software?

Stephen J. Cena
Systems Administrator - MIS/IT Dept
Quality Vision International
850 Hudson Ave
Rochester,NY 14620
Phone: 585-544-0450 x300
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Please report email problems to: postmaster at qvii.com

QVII MIS/IT Dept - We do what we must because we can.
"Thank you for helping us help you help us all."
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